Monday, January 16, 2012

Jessica Alquist is an "evil little thing"

There's a girl named Jessica Alquist at a high school in Rhode Island who's an atheist and has fought for a year against a prayer plaque on the wall of her PUBLIC and publicly funded school.  She won her court case.  Jessica has endured vicious name-calling, threats of violence and even death for her speaking out for the separation of church and state.  To add insult to injury, a State Representative named Palumbo went on the radio and referred to this, in my opinion, very brave young woman as "an evil little thing" because of her views and right action.  This is a man who is supposed to represent the law, the Constitution, and his constituency.

The following is my e-mail to this asshole State Representative:

Represantative Palumbo.

I wish I lived, just for now, in your constituency so I could have the pleasure of voting against you for your vile public religious bigotry and public name-calling of sixteen-year-old  Jessica Alquist after her legal victory in a case about separation of church and state.
That's OK, I can still spread the word about you and actively campaign against you  You claim to be a mature representative of your state.  Are you aware that Rhode Island was founded because of the need of a place free from religious persecution.  Are you aware that the Constitution of the United States, the document you are supposed to protect and cherish as an elected official provides for the separation of church and state to keep the land free from religious oppression, and that is especially important when it is the oppression of the few by the many.
There are plenty of places where a prayer plaque is appropriate.  It is appropriate in a church.  It is appropriated in a privately owned building or place.  It is appropriate even in a public place that is privately owned, such as a store, or private but open to the public museum or park, etc.  It is completely inappropriate in a public, government funded high school, as it would be in a town hall, courtroom or government building, unless it is on the private desk or office wall of an individual.
Due to your nasty, immature comment, calling a brave 16-year old high school student who is willing to withstand a lot of emotional and verbal abuse to stand up for what everyone should know is a just cause - even if they don't personally like it, an "evil little thing", I'm going to assume you're a Christian.  How would you like it if the plaque on the wall had been praising Allah - or better yet, what if it had contained a Wiccan pentagram and pledged obeisance to "The Goddess"??  I'll bet you would've pitched a fit and done everything in your power to have the offending plaque removed post haste, even though both of my examples are legitimate religions recognized by the IRS and the armed forces, including tax-exempt status.
Mr. Palumbo, you are a religious bigot, and are openly acknowledging that fact in public, by using your position to work against the Constitution - and maybe worse, against a juvenile member of your constituency who has shown dignity and bravery, and most importantly, A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAW than you have.  You do not deserve your office.  I sincerely hope you lose any bid for re-election, and I plan on using my connections to spread the word about you.

real name deleted here, but included in the original email.

Here is Palumbo's e-mail address.  Feel free to write him and tell him what you think, but please keep it civil so he might actually read it, and so filters won't block it.  Call him an asshole and a fucktard on your blogs and  in comments on YouTube if you want, but e-mailing his office with such will only guarantee being ignored, or thought of as "fringe,"

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